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Showing posts from January, 2019

How I Use Authentic Vulnerability To Grow Our Brand by D'Vaughn Bell

A few #Leadership hacks I\'ve learned from studying Jeff Bezos, Stephen Covey, Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs and many others. First, we start by breaking the common misconception around #Vulnerability. A relatively recent study by Berlin Cameron in partnership with Ellevate Network gathered insights ar...

Top Event-Driven Customer Engagement Strategies For Taking Your Brand To The Next Level

#Win #Success #Business #EventDrivenMarketing... Blame it on spam. Blame it on the erosion of list quality. Blame it on whatever you want. But there\'s little question that must be asked...

#EmailMarketingOptimization: What’s Not Working & How To Fix It

Here are common reasons why your #EmailMarketingStrategy isn\'t working and the mistakes you need to avoid for a highly-actionable campaign. #EmailMarketing is a powerful communication channel. Research shows people are twice as likely to sign up for your email list than interact with you on Facebook. According to my grandparents, there was never any shortage of colorful characters on the poli...

#2019 Is All About #CustomerAttraction

An important factor in successful #InternetMarketing is to keep your ideas precise and attractive so that it will grab the viewer’s attention. Users often click through websites quickly without spending much time on anything in particular and this is why many businesses are suffering. Here are ten ways to increase your level of customer attraction this year to drive home more sales.

The Marketing Statistics & Definitions You Need To Know To Be Successful In 2019

Last year we emailed thousands of experts asking their opinions on what #MarketingStrategies should be focused on in #2019, these were their top answers...

When Is The Right Time For Your Team To Receive Another Professional Training?

Aside from the many benefits of #ProfessionalTraining here\'s one question you should be asking yourself when it comes to building your team... #Leadership #Business #BusinessJournal