Social Media Marketing On Twitter
The noted web marketing expert, Joel Comm, imparts some great facts about social media and Internet business in this video clip from the Northern Colorado Social Media Social event. Joel says that Twitter is the “water cooler of the twenty-first century,” meaning that people take a break on this site to talk about absolutely everything.Joel emphasizes that there are no rules in Twitter marketing, meaning that local business people can now have a global reach. Customers are even looking for good drycleaners on Twitter, and people respond to these inquiries.
If you are building relationships with people in the “Twitterverse,” it really helps get the word out about your business. Joel says that there is a four-step process to any kind of business: “know me, trust me, like me, and pay me.” Twitter makes it far easier and much quicker to accomplish all stages of this universal business process.
Take a look at this clip to learn about the payoff that social networking can have for you’re your business!
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