Why Twitter Marketing Is The Ultimate Social Network Tool
This video clip from a WPIX TV interview features the noted web marketing expert, Joel Comm, discuss Twitter’s growing role in online business. Joel calls Twitter, the micro-blogging site, “the water cooler of the twenty-first century.” You are able to answer the question of what you are doing with up to 140 characters.Joel explains that businesses are building their bottom line with twitter. Twitter enables businesses to build and expand on relationships with the public and to enhance their brand. Businesses make themselves more accessible to the public, which increases their sales and service.
To sign up, you simply select a profile name and can design a customized page. This easy process is completely free. Joel uses his own Twitter page to broadcast his experiences on the road. Since Twitter marketing can be used on cell phones and other mobile devices, more people are using it and plugging into large business feeds.
Watch this and more of Joel Comm’s excellent videos on social networking and making money online!
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