Discussing The Uses and Benefits of Twitter Marketing
This video clip from a Better TV program features the revered web marketing guru, Joel Comm, discuss the utility of social networking in promoting business. Joel first emphasizes that Twitter is a powerful tool that can be used by businesses of all sizes. It is great for building relationships, enhancing a brand, and improving your bottom line.Joel lays down the first step of Tweeting for business, which is to establish a presence online by creating a username. This is the easiest process. You will want to create a name that describes what your company is all about.
The next step is to build your brand. Twitter allows you to put your own picture, graphics, and designs on your page to truly customize it. The third tip is to enter the online conversation, which Joel says is a great way to interact and connect with people who are interested in your subject matter.
There’s a lot of great information in this clip, so be sure to watch it right now!
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